Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

This week I read Night Circus. It is about a circus that is only open at night and travels around the world. The circus is maintained by two magicians, Celia and Marco, who are competing, but the circus eventually begins to fall apart. This is a fantasy book, and it's about 500 pages long. It was a little harder than most of the books I've read this year.
I really enjoyed it. The writing style was great, especially the author's use of interesting vocabulary. The descriptions and the imagery were all really good. I liked the format of Night Circus because there were a lot of small chapters relating to different story lines, but it all came together in the end. I would recommend it to anyone.

Next book: Allegiant!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Claire Ange by M.A. Kirkwood

This week I read Claire Ange by M.A. Kirkwood. It's about a 17-year-old piano prodigy that gets kicked out of her house with most of her stuff and not nearly enough money. She has to find a place to live and hopes that she can find work playing piano.
I really enjoyed this book. The writing style is fantastic, and it switches off from Claire's perspective to an unnamed spirit observing her. That was one of the most interesting parts of the book. All of the characters are fantastic, and many of the supporting characters are actually more interesting than the main character. The setting, New Orleans, was a really good choice because it adds so much to the story. My only complaint is that it's a little slow at the beginning. This book is almost 300 pages, so not a 2 week book, and it is realistic fiction. I would recommend it to pretty much anyone in our class.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

This week, I read The False Prince. It is about a nobleman who takes four orphans planning to train them to be princes, then choose one to act as the prince of their country. Sage, the main character tries to beat the others and win the title, because the boys who lose will be killed.

I liked this book. The setting, an fantasy world with no real locations, was typical of this kind of book, but the plot was something entirely different and very original. The character descriptions and personalities were sometimes good, but some characters were not described at all. The writing style wasn't great, but the plot completely made up for it because it was interesting, and it kept me hooked up until the end. I don't know how many pages it is, but it's pretty short, definitely a one week book. I would recommend it for anyone who likes fantasy.

Monday, October 7, 2013

City of Bones: The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

This week I read the first book in the Mortal Instruments series. Even though this is a series, this book works pretty well on it's own. I didn't even realize that there were others. This was a fantasy book, and a fairly easy read. City of Bones is about Clary Fray, who lives with her mother in New York City. One night, she discovers that she can see demons and shadowhunters, the people designated to kill them.

Although I don't usually read this genre, I liked it a lot. It was a good combination of reality and fantasy, which made it a lot easier to read. The main thing that I don't like about the fantasy genre is having to learn all of the rules and terms of the fictional world, and I thought that this book made them very clear and easy to understand. The writing style was good, the characters had multi-dimensional personality and the plot eventually became clear. The ending was relatively satisfying. I would recommend this book to people of pretty much any age who like fantasy.