Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Slice of Life 3/19

Waffles sheds about once a month. I can always tell before she sheds because her entire body is much paler than usual, and around her legs and face the skin looks baggy. I have to put wet crumpled up pieces of paper towel in her caves so that she has more humidity and the skin comes off more smoothly. It can take a couple of days, but Waffles always finishes within a couple of hours. When she's done shedding, she eats it. Once I found the skin from her entire foot and you could see each toenail. It dried in the exact shape of her foot and all of her spots were darker. It doesn't seem that unusual, but imagine if humans shed an entire layer of skin all at once and ate it. Imagine if you didn't take a shower for that long and you skin was totally opaque because it was so dirty. If you had a tattoo would you see faint blue outlines in each layer you shed or no trace of it at all? These are the things I think about as I use a damp q-tip to gently ease the last of the skin off of her toes, because if I don't, they will fall off.


Unknown said...

That is fascinating and gross at the same time, I can't decide which.

Unknown said...

That is awesome! Nice slice!

Unknown said...

Cool, is this the same gecko that was in the class? Nice slice!