Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

This week I read Code Name Verity, which is about female members of the Resistance in WWII, one a pilot and the other a spy. The story is told as each girl is writing an account of the events so far. There are a lot of suspenseful events and plot twists as you hear the story from both perspectives and it all ties together really nicely at the end.
I liked this book. It definitely had flaws, but I liked the writing style and the characters were well developed. The format was really cool. I liked how it was told in a realistic way and the author created a fairly accurate representation of written accounts. My main problem was that there were parts in the middle that got a little slow and there were a lot of military terms that weren't explained very well. Overall, I liked it and would recommend it to people. The surprise twist ending was definitely a surprise.

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