Monday, February 10, 2014

Slice of Life #6

I think that there should be a mental health check before you can enter the school on EXPO. You would think that the only people that come are parents and grandparents, but I'm sure that there are a few random strangers that no one will claim to be related to. EXPO shouldn't be such a big deal anyway. I'm never sure why people care so much. There are always a few types of weirdos that I can count on, such as someone who will definitely tell me about my unit and someone who will definitely tell me wrong information about my unit. Visitors who loiter for too long, family members that block everything from others, strangers who want to take a picture of me, I've seen it all in my eight EXPOs, and I have given up on expecting normalcy.

1 comment:

collar bomes said...

I agree that there are definitely people that do that every year, but I like EXPO. I think it's fun to be there that night. I have also noticed that people mostly seem to get sick around EXPO including me.