Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Pact pt. 2

I thought that The Pact ended well. All three graduated from medical school and began practicing medicine. In the epilogue, they talked about the strategies that they used to fulfill the pact. I really enjoyed this book, which I was surprised about because it was chosen for book groups. The Pact was really inspiring and I would definitely recommend it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Raw Chicken: My Free Verse Poem

It comes very tightly sealed like it's unstable, which it probably is.
As soon as that packaging comes off, the danger is disregarded.
Gloved hands squeeze it, cut it and make it into something it's not.
Flavorful and appetizing, though some can't shake the memory of what it once was,
In fact, just a minute ago.
Or even worse, a week ago.
It had a pulse,
A circulatory,
and excretory systems,
all painfully unaware of the garlic and butter in it's future
and just how slimy it's flesh really is. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Pact by George Jenkins, Sampson Davis and Rameck Hunt

My book group book is The Pact. It is about three doctors who grew up in Newark, New Jersey. Their home lives were not stable, their families were poor and they lived in a rough neighborhood where it was uncommon to get an education past high school. They become friends and make a pact to each finish medical school.
This might be the only book group book I've ever liked. The story is really interesting and I like how it's told from each person's perspective because they all offer different perspectives that add a lot to the book. Some of the writing isn't very good, but I don't think that it detracts from the story. I would recommend The Pact because it's nonfiction but not boring and it makes you think about what Logan kids are not used to.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

This week I read Outliers. Basically, it's a nonfiction book about people that found success and the circumstances that helped them in their careers, why certain countries have more plane crashes, what makes small businesses successful and the correlation between IQ and success. Like I said, this book is nonfiction, just over three hundred pages, and while not a hard read, it didn't go as quickly as the books that I usually read.
I liked it. Each chapter was interesting and different, and the scientific evidence was as well. My only problem with Outliers was that it was so heavily scientific that it was hard for me to read a lot in one sitting. I would recommend this book for anyone who likes nonfiction, science or wants a unique book.

This week: The Pact

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

This week (finally!) I read Allegiant. It's the final book in the Divergent Trilogy, and I really can't say much about what happens for obvious reasons. The entire series is dystopian fiction, and this book is over 500 pages, but it's a really fast read. It was so exciting and fast-paced that I finished it within a couple of days.
I really liked it. I liked the entire series, and while the first one was the best, they always are, the second and third were also great. I would highly recommend this series and this book to anyone who hasn't read them.