Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Slice of Life 3/11: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

This week I read The Fault in Our Stars. It is about a girl who has lung cancer and only five years to live. She goes to a cancer support group and meets this guy who lost his leg to cancer. They both really like this book and they go to Amsterdam together to meet the author and answer questions about the ending.
I loved it. This was one of the best books I have read in a long time. The characters were all well developed and I cared about them. I really liked the writing style and it was a really fast read. The plot was original and solid, in terms of completion and a good story arc. I would recommend this book to anyone.


Unknown said...

Sounds good, maybe I'll read it soon, thanks!

Unknown said...

Nice job of summarizing the plot. But you also describe why you like it in wonderful literary terms! I need to read this book too.